• Sewing the Curve Book Chronicle Books

Sewing the Curve




Learn how to sew clothes to boost your wardrobe and your confidence

Learning to sew your own clothes can be utterly life changing. Forget squeezing into ill-fitting garments which aren't to your taste, or struggling to find anything in your size – once you can sew, you can make a whole closet of clothes, in any style or fabric, to fit your body. But, learning to sew can be intimidating if you've never picked up a needle, and even more so if you're not in the size range of a lot of beginner patterns or sewing books. Having to learn sewing skills AND learn how to make patterns bigger can be overwhelming, and if you're coming to sewing to help you feel better about your body, it can even end up making you feel worse.

  • Pages: 192
  • Author: Jenny Rushmore
  • Publish Date: 2023
  • Hardcover



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