Have you been bitten by the macrame bug? We love it here at Brooklyn Craft Company, not just because we have to do all the crafts but also because we can't resist anything from the 70's. (If you've ever visited our store in Brooklyn, you know that Fleetwood Mac is our permanent soundtrack!)
We are especially smitten with macrame wall hangings made in brass rings, because they add a bit of bling to your decor with dash of geometrics a nod to dreamcatchers. What's not to love?
So let's learn how to make a macrame wall hanging in a brass ring!

To begin, cut ten pieces of macrame cord, 8 feet long each.
Tie each piece of cord to the brass ring using a larks head knot as follows: Fold the cord in half and place the folded bit under the hoop. Next, bring the two ends of the cord over the hoop and through the folded bit, then pull to tighten.
This is how things will look once you've attached all ten lengths of cord to the hoop with a larks head knot.
Next, we'll tie square knots to make the triangle section of this pattern. Square knots are tied on a set of four cords; the two center cords are core cords (they will stay stationary and the knot will be tied onto them); the two outer cords will do all the tying.
Begin working with the four cords on the far left. (You can move all the other cords off to the side so they don't cause confusion.)
Step 1: First, make a number "4" shape with the far left cord, bringing it under the two center core cords and over the right cord.
Step 2: Bring the right cord up and over the two center cords, and through the loop of the "4" shape. Pull both cords to tighten.
Step 3: Now, make a letter "P" shape with the right cord, bringing it under the two center core cords and over the left cord.
Step 4: Finally, bring the left cord up over the two center cords and through the loop of the letter "P" shape.
Pull to tighten, and give the two center core cords a tug. Because the core cords aren't actually knotted to anything, they can sometimes get a little bunched up and it helps the appearance of your macrame to give them a tug after you complete the knot.
Next, continue to tie a square knot on each group of four cords all the way across. This is how it should look when you complete this step!
Now, to make the triangle shape of this design, you will begin to decrease the number of knots on each row. So on the second row, you will leave the two strands on the far left off to the side, unworked. Begin knotting with the next four available strands, and tie a square knot as you did before. This knot will use two strands from each of the two knots above, creating the lattice effect of this pattern. Continue across this row, ending by leaving the two strands on the far right unworked.
Continue in this way, leaving two additional strands unworked on each end of each row, until you reach the last row, which will be just one knot in the center. This is how everything should look at this stage!
Now we'll make an edging along the triangle using the diagonal double half hitch knot. Begin by picking up the first cord on either side (it doesn't matter which side you start with), and laying it diagonally across all the order cords, following the shape of the triangle edge.
Pick up the next available cord and bring it under the diagonal cord and through the loop. Pull to tighten, then repeat to make another knot in the same way, using the same two cords. (You will tie two half-hitch knots each time.)
Continue in this way, repeating with each cord as you travel toward the point of the triangle. This is how it will look partway through.
Repeat on both sides of the triangle. You'll be left with two strands dangling in the center -- tie these together in a half-hitch knot to complete the point of the triangle.
Now we'll attach each cord to the bottom side of the ring. Begin by moving all the cords to the back of the ring, then simply tie each cord in a double half-hitch knot just as you did before, making the knots directly onto the ring.
Wasn't that easy?! You're just about done -- the last step is to trim the ends of the cord. You can trim them in a triangle shape, a curved shape, straight across -- whatever you like! Try fraying the ends of the cord to add some texture if you like.
If you make this project, remember to share it and tag us @brooklyncraftcompany and #brooklyncraftcompany. We'd
love to see what you make. Happy knotting!
Ps: Check out another cute use for
brass rings on the right in the photo below. Just nest a couple together and hang them from a colorful cord. Boom! Instant-gratification wall art.
Very nice tutorial! I used the knots to finish a bracelet actually but I love how your wall hanging turned out!
Thanks for the pattern. They are very clear instructions suitable for a beginner with a pleasing result.
I’m going to try it, and hopefully it will help me make a life changing in my life.
Can’t wait to make this beautiful Brass Macrame Dream Catcher
Can’t wait to make this beautiful macrame hanger.
Thank you for easy to follow steps, I’m going to try to make one to hang on my living room wall!
Ohh Nice! Id like more color and some beads..☺
Just starting out doing macrame after 35 years .. loved it then and have truly got the bug again .. this is just what I need to get my memory into gear .. thank you